Tuyển tập các nghiên cứu khoa học của trường đại học Huế đề tài: Các yếu tố nguy cơ của bệnh tiểu đường trước ở người lớn từ 45 năm. Và cao tuổi ở huyện Cầu Ngang, tỉnh Trà Vinh. | JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Hue University N0 61 2010 RISK FACTORS OF PRE-DIABETES IN ADULTS AGED 45 YEARS AND OLDER IN CAU NGANG DISTRICT TRA VINH PROVINCE Cao My Phuong Tra Vinh General Hospital Dinh Thanh Hue Nguyen Hai Thu College of Medicine and Pharmacy Hue University SUMMARY A case - control study in the population aged 45 years and older was conducted in Cau Ngang district Tra vinh province. The case group included 100 pre-diabetic subjects and the control group comprised of 200 non pre-diabetic subjects who were randomly selected from a previous cross sectional study matched in 7 risk factors including age sex ethnic group place of living standard of living having a family member with diabetes and giving birth to a baby weighing more than 4 kg. The result showed that risk factors ofpre-diabetic patients included overweight obesity high waist circumference high body fat percentage sweet drinking - eating habit daily excessive sugar consumption and daily excessive fatty food intake. Key words Prediabetes risk factors obesity waist circumference 1. Introduction Pre-diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. Pre-diabetes has been defined by The American Diabetes Association with the WHO s agreement of having impaired fasting glucose fasting blood glucose levels between 100 and 125 mg dl or impaired glucose tolerance 2 hour post-glucose load plasma glucose levels between 140 and 199 mg dl . Impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance may progress to type 2 diabetes mellitus. People with pre-diabetes are likely to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years unless they take steps to prevent or delay diabetes. Moreover diabetes is associated with aging. However recently diabetes mellitus has tended to happen in the younger people especially people from the age of 45 years. Most of researches have demonstrated that risk factors of hyperglycemia included overweight obesity .