SAT là kỳ thi quan trọng để đánh giá kiến thức tự nhiên và xã hội, đánh giá trình độ thí sinh đầu vào của chương trình cử nhân. Điểm thi SAT thường được các đại học Hoa Kỳ sử dụng làm một trong những căn cứ thiết yếu để xét tuyển sinh viên đại học và xét cấp học bổng vì qua SAT sẽ đánh giá được kỹ năng học tập cần thiết mà sinh viên đại học cần có bao gồm kỹ năng đọc tài liệu có hiệu quả, khả năng suy luận tính toán và giải các. | LABORATORY will investigate the life cycle of the fungus Sordaria fimicola the arrangement of ascospores crossing over and the gene control of spore color. The Basics In order to be successful on this lab the student should understand a the events in mitosis b the differences between mitosis and meiosis and c the events in gametogenesis. After performing this lab the student should understand a the relative duration of cell cycles b the mechanisms of crossing over segregation and independent assortment and c how to calculate the distance of a gene from the centromere. Last Things The student should be familiar with mitosis and meiosis and how it leads to genetic variability. LABORATORY 4 PLANT PIGMENTS AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS First Things The student will separate pigments using chromatography and measure the rate of photosynthesis through the reduction of the dye DPIP. The Basics In order to be successful on this lab the student should understand a chromatography b photosynthesis c function of plant pigments and d the effect of light on photosynthesis. After performing this lab the student should understand a how to separate plant pigments b how to measure photosynthetic rates c the effect of temperature and light on the rate of photosynthesis and d how to explain the variability of photosynthetic rates. Last Things The student should be familiar with paper chromatography how to calculate the rate of pigment migration how light and temperature affect photosynthesis and how to design an experiment to test these three variables. Peterson s SAT II Success Biology E M _21 CHAPTER 9 LABORATORY 5- -CELL RESPIRATION First Things The student will measure oxygen consumption during respiration in germinating or nongerminating peas. The Basics In order to be successful on this lab the student should understand a how a respirometer works and b the process of metabolism in a living organism. After performing this lab the student should understand how to a test the