In order to take advantage of the widely-deployed existing SDH network for transporting the traffic of multi-media applications such as voice, data and video, ITU-T have standardized new technologies including GFP (Generic Framing Procedure). | TẠP CHÍ PHÁT TRIỂN KH CN TẬP 9 SÓ12 -2006 THE IMPLEMETATION OF GFP CORE ON FPGA HARDWARES Thuong Le Tien 1 Viet Dinh Thanh 2 1 University of Technology VNU-HCM 2 Munich University of Technology Germany Manuscript Received on April 1st 2006 Manuscript Revised November 2nd 2006 ABSTRACT In order to take advantage of the widely-deployed existing SDH network for transporting the traffic of multi-media applications such as voice data and video ITU-T have standardized new technologies including GFP Generic Framing Procedure LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme and RPR Resilient Packet Ring which will be implemented on this network. GFP is the basis for mapping different types of traffic such as Ethernet SAN -Storage Area Network ESCON FICON Fiber Channel DVB ASI .etc into SDH virtual containers. In the scope of the paper we study the mentioned technologies especially ITU-T G. 7041 standard for GFP which specifies types of header error correction algorithms frame delineation algorithm for mapping and unmapping GFP frames. Based on this standard we have used VHDL to figure out a complete GFP core with MAP and UNMAP sub-cores. The core is tested on Xilinx . Then these VHDL modules are compiled by ISE 3i to be implemented on FPGA hardwares of Xilinx Company. KeyWords NGN GFP-F GFP-T lCaS RPR Escon FICON Ethernet Frame FPGA SDH NG SDH VC 1. INTRODUCTION To meet higher and higher demands of communications carrier telecom networks must be upgraded into NGN Next Generation Network 1 3 6 . NGN is a layered and converged network with open and standardized interfaces between each layer which supports different multi-media applications. For transport layer most of networks use traditional SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy equipment which was designed to carry voice traffic and as such is an inherently rigid and inefficient method for transporting data such as Ethernet. Therefore traditional SDH systems should be replaced by Next Generation SDH NG SDH to be deployed as