Người này là anh Vinh. ( Gần tôi / Gần người nói ) その ひと は ビンさん です。 Người đó là anh Vinh. ( Gần bạn / Gần người nghe ) あの ひと は ビンさん です。 | Level 2 Kanji List 321 51 IN L hiku hikeru ư Ư It ã draw pull J5I wari biki - a discount reduction 5lậ tsuna hiki - tug-of-war 5lậffifa hiki dashi - a drawer from a desk 5I A hikkoshi - to move 5lffl in you - a quotation citation 322 IN L shirushi L L sign mark l Alt6 in shou zukeru - to impress someone ffl ffi in shou teki - impressive ffiA in do jin - a person from India 323 I IN L yoru i cause .AA gen in - cause source AAA yotte - because of accordingly 324 U Õ ha hane It It fa feather wing hane - a feather wa - a counter for birds ichi wa - one bird 325 A U Õ universe eaves house AA u chuu - the universe space AAA u chuu jin - an alien AWWfA u chuu hi kou shi - an astronaut A Wf u chuu ryo kou - Space travel 16 Level 2 Kanji List 326 SHO L J ui hatsu hajime 9 C li o li D tó first beginning ft sai sho - first from the beginning onset hatsu basho - New Year s Sumo tournament 327 ffi SHOKU L J ueru uwaru 9 X 9 b to plant to set up fa fa. ta ue - rice planting M shoku butsu - plants vegetation K shoku min chi - a colony 328 fô SHI L ukagau 9 fa fa 9 to ask to visit to hear fà5 ukagau - to visit to ask inquire honorific 329 FU S ukabu uku 9 fa S 9 to float to come to mind to be left over uku - to float ỳậWầ uki yo e - Ukiyoe pictures of everyday life in the Edo Period 330 s JU D ukaru uke 9 fa 9 It to receive popularity receptacle ss ju ju - give and receive gt6 ukeru - to be received become popular to catch on s ju ken - taking a test faJ ukemi - the passive grammar 17 Level 2 Kanji List 331 SHOU L fc 9 uketamawaru 9 It t b to hear to agree to shou chi - know say yes consent 7 B shou nin - recognition acknowledgement 332 SHITSU L o ushinau cLfac to lose slip V 1 shitsu gyou - unemployment 9 II shippai - failure mistake v 7 shitsu bou - disappointment IL shitsu rei - rude impolite excuse me 333 W HAKU It usui 9 t 1 thin light weak pale W-- usu usu - dimly slightly W 7 hakka - peppermint 334 GI utagau 9 t A 9 to doubt .