Về phương ngữ, có sự khác nhau lớn giữa miền Đông và miền Tây của Nhật Bản cũng như ở nhóm đảo Ryūkyū. Hơn nữa, nếu nhìn vào chi tiết, ở mỗi địa phương lại có một phương ngữ khác nhau | Level 2 Kanji List 471 M KAN ft h seki tt ậ concern barrier M kan kei - a relationship .ftM gen kan - entrance to house where you take of shoes M L kan shin - concern interest 472 KAN ft h view ft kan kou - sightseeing Bft kan kou biza - tourist visa 473 fl KAN ft h publish 1 J ĩ gekkan - a monthly publication fl shuu kan - published weekly fl yuu kan - evening paper 474 w KAN ft h nareru narasu H fa b t habit custom to get used to Wffi shuu kan - custom habit manners WH6 nareru - to become accustomed to get used to. 475 T KAN ft h hosu hiru IS t Ư dry TL ume boshi - umeboshi dried sour plum r .ft hoshi kusa - hay dry grass 46 Level 2 Kanji List 476 KAN ft h maku maki ậ roll up volume fê ậ e maki - a scroll with pictures M tatsu maki - a tornado ậ hachi maki - a headband ậ maki mono - a scroll 477 ffi KAN ft h simple ffiM kan tan - easy simple ffifê kan ryaku - simplicity 478 to KAN ft h a can drink or food can ftiiii aki kan - an empty can iiim i kan zume - packed can canned goods to V kan kiri - a can opener 479 M KAN ft h wazurau b T b 9 sickness affection M kan ja - a patient MM juu kan - a serious heavy sickness 480 GAN ft h maru marui marumeru -Ỗ -Ỗ A -ẵ tó -Ỗ round HOM hi no maru - the Japanese flag MAM. maru mie - completely visable see everything 47 Level 2 Kanji List 481 GAN tf h kishi ậ L sea shore W kai gan - seashore coast Jl kawa gishi - a river bank 482 M GAN tf h nekau fa fa 9 wish ask a favor desire M nen gan - one s heart s desire Mv negai - a wish a desire M gan bou - desire wish aspiration 483 GAN tf h fukumu fukumeru ù tó contain include keep in one s mouth gan chiku - significant v fukumi warai - suppressed laugh giggle chuckle 484 fc KI ậ shirusu L r write down RflH an ki - memorize learning by heart I Ifc nikki - a diary J IH sou sei ki - Genesis fc ki oku - memory 485 O GO KI term expect faHOI en ki - to postpone postponement B gakki - a school term semester I O dou ki - same class entered .