Để học tiếng Nhật tốt hơn thì nên để não của bạn nghĩ ngơi sau mỗi 30 đến . Hãy viết từ vựng, kanji lên một tấm thẻ và tốt nhất là một từ trên một | SIXTH GRADE 810-813 ICHI ONE 7 strokes 75 R ICHIMANEN 10 000 yen IsT IS SEN one thousand ĨS NIJUICHI twenty-one Formerly and earlier showing a double-lidded -ife 258 food vessel s 1640 which had connotations of fullness. Its use as the formal character for one is the result of phonetic borrowing though it is remotely possible that its choice as a phonetic was influenced by the fact that full vessel suggested completeness and by association being whole one. Suggest taking -i as samurai 494 r - as cover and as a prone figure 238. Mnemonic ONE SAMURAI STANDS COVERING PRONE FIGURE 811 u EAVES ROOF HEAVEN 6 sttokes universe hall ecstasy is roof 28. is an NGU character meaning from emerge go. It was originally written showing twisting waterweed seek an exit 5 281 . and a symbol of unclear meaning and it also has connotations of twisting. Here it acts phonetically to express complete cover and may possibly also lend a loose idea of extensive from the lengthy and convoluted waterweed element . Thus 811 originally meant roof that completely covers leading to eaves and by extension firmament heaven. Suggest facetiously taking as a stiff . dead child 25. Mnemonic CHILD LIES STIFF UNDER ROOF SET TO GO TO HEAVEN 812 M 4 Formerly 3 1 Mnemonic F u ha hane 1 WING FEATHER 1 BIRD COUNTER 6 strokes A pictograph of a bird s wings. FATHERED WINGS UMO HAORI ICHIWA plumage haori coat one bừd 813 El utsuru su haeru REFLECT SHINE 9 strokes EIGAKAN HANEI YUBAE cinema reflection sunset glow B is sun 62. is center 429 here acting essentially phonetically to express bright but probably also lending its meaning. Thus bright center of sun giving shine and by association reflect. Mnemonic CENTER OF SUN SHINES BRIGHTLY 255 SIXTH GRADE 814-816 EN nobiru beru basu Ẵ ENCHO extension EXTEND POSTPONE ENKI postponement 8 strokes ịẼ O M ơ NOBINOBI delay Somewhat confused. Once written H. showing foot movement it. 129 . and go move 4 118 . 7 is in fact the prototype of ỉ_ itself showing that a