Mục tiêu thúc đẩy sự hiểu biết quốc tế bằng việc đào tạo tiếng Anh chất . chuyên viên tư vấn và những nhà viết sách chuyên nghiệp nhất trên thế . Anh học thuật, Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành và Tiếng Anh phục vụ cho những mục đích khác. . | 186 Ruth Breeze both cases the overall gains were statistically significant p on Student s paired t-test but the difference between the two gains was not significant. It is noticeable that the greatest gain in both groups was on the category junction words . These are a highly concrete and visible aspect of the written text and so it is quite understandable that the students found it relatively easy to identify and use them once they had been sensitised to their importance. It is equally unsurprising that students failed to improve their punctuation or ensure the smooth introduction of new information. Although the TA group did not improve in the area of fluid transition between sentences to any dramatic extent it was interesting that the RA group did achieve a substantial gain in this area. One could speculate that the top-down focus on text as effective communication might have encouraged students to think more about interpersonal dimensions such as organisation of information smooth transitions logical development and paragraph structure adequacy of examples and explanations arguments supported and the importance of register. The RA group made gains of to on all of these points whereas the TA group made gains ranging from to on the same categories. On the other hand it was disappointing that students in the TA group failed to make greater gains on concrete points such as the use of equivalent words or mastery of register which had been practised at length in the more language-focused programme for this particular group. As it turned out both the pre-test scores and the final scores for these categories were low for the TA group on equivalent words their mean score rose from to while on register it increased from to . By contrast the RA group which had started with slightly better scores for register and equivalent words than the TA group made a more substantial improvement on both categories the mean score for .