Kể từ khi kết quả của WOSCOPS và AFCAPS/TexCAPS được công bố, liệu pháp statin bắt đầu được áp dụng rộng rãi cho những người không có bệnh tim mạch do xơ vữa động mạch nhưng có tăng cholesterol LDL, đặc biệt là những người có nhiều yếu tố nguy cơ tim mạch khác kèm theo. | Tỉ lệ nữ tham gia trong các nghiên cứu phong ngừa tiên phát báng statin WOSCOPS 0 AFCAPS TexCAPS 15 997 6605 JUPITER 38 2 6801 BURWlERg Women Subgroup Data Rosuvastatin Placebo N Rate N Rate HR 95 CI P-value Women N 3426 N 3375 Primary endpoint 39 70 Any MI 10 18 Any stroke 18 23 Arterial revascularisation 8 29 Arterial revascularisation or hospitalisation for unstable angina 8 33 MI stroke or CV death 36 48 Men N 5475 N 5526 Primary endpoint 103 181 Any MI 21 50 Any stroke 15 41 Arterial revascularisation 63 102 Arterial revascularisation or hospitalisation for unstable angina 68 110 MI stroke or CV death 47 109 Primary Endpoint Time to first occurrence arterial revascularization of a CV death non fatal stroke non-fatal MI unstable angina or Mora S et al. Circulation 2010 120 1069-1077 Rates are per 100 person-years Journal of tho American. College of Cardiology 2010 by the American. College of Cardiology Foundation Ribliahed by Elsevier Inc. EXPEDITED PUBLICATION Efficacy of Rosuvastatin Among Men and Women With Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease and Elevated High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein A Secondary Analysis From the JUPITER Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin Trial Paul M Ridker MD MPH ỳ Jean MacFadyen BS Michael Cressman DO ệ Robert J. Glynn ScD Boston Massachusetts and Wilmington Delaware Objectives We evaluated the efficacy of statin therapy Irii primary prevention among individuals with moderate chronic kidney disease CKD . Background Whether patents with moderate CKD estimated glomerular filtration rate eGFR 60 ml .