Tham khảo tài liệu '21st century manufacturing episode 2 part 5', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 274 Computer Manufacturing Chap. 6 internal height for the electrical subsystems is inch special features on the bottom case are the cừcular bosses for mounting the PCB the through window for the battery set and various mechanical dimensions and shapes of electrical switches. Such features needed to be compatible with the work of the electrical design team. Coupling Constraints Originating in the Electrical Domain Cs n Other constraints originated on the electrical side and had to be accommodated on the mechanical side. They are given the symbol ce m. They were as follows The z-height of certain large devices on the PCBs were flagged and conveyed to the mechanical designers for consideration. Often this exchange resulted in more favorable packaging and overall space saving. Various switches volume control knobs and other I O were of course mounted on the side of PCBs and their precise dimensions were conveyed to the mechanical team. Ultimately this meant that they protruded through the plastic casing s boundary with user-friendly dimensions. These components were a power connector a power switch serial parallel ports audio I O jacks a keyboard jack two volume control knobs and a connector for an attachable color display. Certain devices such as the power supply required electromagnetic shielding. Once the sites for these devices were determined thefr dimensions were shared with other teams. The locations and sizes of the mounting holes that attached the PCB to the bottom casing were also the product of a dialogue between electrical and mechanical designers. Figure shows the PCB layout of the InfoPad terminal with these electrical constraint features highlighted. To present these electrical consưaints to mechanical designers in the DUCADE environment electrical constraints along with the design were transformed into mechanical representation 3-D solid models for analysis. The approach captured only the geometric aspects of the electrical design .