Khách hàng tiềm năng, càng có nhiều ông dường như kéo dài xung quanh bạn. Vì vậy, bạn phải làm gì? Trước tiên, làm cho nó một quy tắc để không cho bất kỳ khách hàng tiềm năng không đủ tiêu chuẩn hơn hai phút thời gian của bạn tại một sự kiện mạng hoặc triển lãm thương mại. | 101 Marketing Strategies the prospect is the more he seems to linger around you. So what do you do First make it a rule to not give any unqualified prospect more than two minutes of your time at a networking event or trade show. Second say Thanks for stopping by I hope you enjoy the evening. Third turn and move on to the next person in line or step across the room and capture a more qualified looking person. Conclusion Using a series of qualifying questions will enable you to determine quickly if this person is qualified to do business with you. Many people you meet will not be. Use the David Letterman dismissal and invest your time with prospects who are qualified. 38 CHAPTER FOUR Gaining Access to Decision Makers 17 Reaching Decision Makers 18 Tips to Help You Gain Access to Decision Makers 19 Your Message is the Lure Your Promise is the Hook 20 Speaking Helps Open Doors .