Bất kỳ tài liệu tham khảo trong đề xuất liên quan đến Rial giao phối này phải được quy định cụ thể. Tất cả các thông tin chứa trong RFP và tất cả các thông tin khác được cung cấp bởi hoặc thay mặt cho Du lịch New Zealand để có kiến nghị sẽ được coi là bí mật, và chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích chuẩn bị một đề nghị. | 25. COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY 433 Second Function warfare . One cannot retrieve a single name of a ProtoIndo-European war god. A proposed lexical correspondence that would yield a PIE mawort- between the names of the Latin war god Mars and the Skt Marutás is doubtful the latter are companions of the war god Indra. Rather we have with the exception of Indo-Iranian a series of differently named war gods Skt Indra Skt Mahabharata Arjuna Av Indara Lat Mars Lat Livy Tullus ON Thorr Gaul Taranis OIr Ogma. The second function can also be viewed in terms of two aspectually contrasting warrior functions defensive good and offensive wild destructive to the community itself and this opposition is seen to be played out among some of the pantheons. The more destructive manifestations are seen in the following correspondences Skt Vedic Vayu a storm god Skt Mahabharata Bhĩma Av Vayu. Thunder god perkwunos . The lexical set consists of ON Fjorgyn Lith Perkunas ORus Perunu and perhaps Skt Parjanya. The underlying root is probably per- strike with different extensions built in different groups. The North-West European set is relatively coherent with associations with the thunder god Fjorgyn was the mother of the Norse thunder god Thorr hurling lightning use of the club both in battle but also as a fertility symbol at weddings. The association of the North-Western deities with the Sanskrit deity is not so clear although the latter is depicted as a rain god in the Vedas. Third Function. No lexical correspondence here but rather a series of gods who find themselves third in canonical order of deities and who are associated with fertility. These may especially include the divine twins but also single deities such as Lat Quirinus or ON Freyr Gaul Teutates and OIr Bres. Transfunctional goddess. There is no lexical evidence for such a deity but the different Indo-European traditions are replete with examples of goddesses whose qualities either comprise or dispense the three functional .