Giới thiệu cơ sở dữ liệu dân số di truyền thường chia sẻ một lý do phổ biến, cụ thể là để được sử dụng cho nghiên cứu y học về bệnh di truyền liên quan và cho việc chăm sóc sức khỏe và y tế dân số có liên quan. | 13 Third parties interests in population genetic databases some comparative notes regarding the law in Estonia Iceland Sweden and the UK Lotta Wendel Introduction Population genetic databases typically share a common rationale namely to be used for medical research regarding genetically related diseases and for the health and medical care of the population concerned. Nevertheless the material and information gathered in population genetic databases attracts interest from individuals and institutions far beyond the medical and scientific community. In this chapter the law in Estonia Iceland the UK and Sweden is discussed in relation to such third-party interests in population genetic Broadly speaking interests from third parties can be divided into three types with different agendas and varying relations to the donor. The regulative response to each interest mirrors the normative choices in casu but also the more general characteristics of the legal tradition in each The first type of interest in the genetic database relates indirectly though nevertheless immediately to concerned individuals namely the genetic relatives. Their interest is based on the fact that genetic relatives share genetically significant characteristics. Information regarding hereditary diseases in the genetic database is accordingly relevant also for persons other than the individual donor. The closer the kinship the higher the relevance of the information. Regulation regarding feedback to genetic 1 For editorial reasons it has not been possible to take legal changes after 30 June 2004 into account. 2 The general characteristics of the legal models in these four jurisdictions are highlighted by Susan M. C. Gibbons Governance of population genetic databases a comparative analysis of legal regulation in Estonia Iceland Sweden and the UK chapter 15 in this volume. 108 Third parties interests in population genetic databases 109 relatives is discussed elsewhere in this .