Liên quan đến yêu cầu trước đây, mô hình đăng ký công dân sẽ thừa nhận các yêu cầu cư trú thấp. Điều này nợ nhiều để thực tế đó cư trú tạo ra quyền lợi, do sự tham gia của người dân trong một trang web tương tác xã hội và ý thức của rootedness liên quan đến quyền sở hữu nhà, quyền sở hữu kinh doanh, việc làm, tham gia các hiệp hội dân sự, quan hệ gia đình và học. | 87 Shades of togetherness patriotism and naturalisation record condition. Concerning the former requirement the civic registration model would posit low residence requirements. This owes much to the fact that residence generates entitlements owing to the participation of people in a web of social interactions and the sense of rootedness associated with home ownership business ownership employment participation in civil associations family ties and schooling. De facto social membership and partial de jure membership in the social and civil spheres make resident non-nationals stakeholders in the running and the future of the community thereby strengthening their claims for political inclusion. Such claims cannot be successfully resisted by appeals to democracy. Democracy requires inclusion Dahl 1989 and equal participation of all those affected by governmental policies in processes of policy formulation and implementation. This translates into low residence requirements ranging from two to three It may be objected here that one should not become a citizen by simply inhabiting a place Miller 1998 Schnapper 1997 . After all communities are bound together by a shared set of norms values and cultural practices that give meaning to individual life projects. Residents must share these commitments if they wish to become citizens. From a communitarian perspective too only prolonged residence can provide sufficient guarantees that an individual shares the national identity of the polity. Such arguments reveal the extent to which democracy has been configured by nationality in so far as they are underpinned by the assumption that democracy needs nationals more than it needs democrats that is participants in democratic self-government. According to Van Gustern 1988 the only condition for democratic function is that there is a willingness to live according to democratic rules and regulations. Nino 1996 has also stated that the polity should include as full citizens all