Biện chứng của những ý tưởng mà là ẩn trong phép biện chứng của thực hành của pháp luật phong tục trở thành hình thức chi phối của phép biện chứng của thực hành, trong ý nghĩa rằng hành động của legislating phản ánh một sự lựa chọn có mục đích cụ thể của một tương lai có thể cho xã hội trong câu hỏi. | the concept of international law 305 say 1815 treaties began to perform a social function closely analogous to legislation in national legal systems. The Reglement on diplomatic representation of 19 March 1815 is a striking early example but many of the other texss adopeed at the Congress of Vienna are leglslative ìn function. In legislation the dialectic of ĩdeas dominates the daih ctik of practice. The dialectic of ideas which ĨS concealed withm the dialectic of practice of customary aaw becomes the domínant form of die nilliectic of practĩce én the sense that the act olkgisSatmg teflccis a secdhc prr-posive choice of a possible future for the society in question a specific purposive actualising of the common nt d ff die ooeiety ín acoor-dance with the society s theories and in implementation of ĩss Vllues and purposes. But legislated law is structurally the same as customary law in the sense that it consists of kgal 1 3100 so that behavóour ín conformity with legislated law is also necessarily behaviour which serves the common interest of society. The idea of the kgisSftìve timcdon of Sfeatiee in lrnsrna-tional society necessarily raises two questions 1 in what sense is the common interest of ínternadonal socĩety as a whok actuaiĩsed ín a treaty among particular members of ínternadonal society 2 ĩn what sense ĨS treaty-law subject to a will-forming process of politics in international society Common interest. A treaty is a disagreement reduced to writing if one may be pormitted to do such vtoiente to the hallowed dfiflm-tion of a contract . But ISO ÍS iegisSatton. The eventual parties to a treaty enter into negotiation with different ideas of what they want to achieve. Negotiation is a process for finding a third thing which neither party wants but both parties can accept. The making of 3100 at kad in a society with an active system of poiítks ĨS a simnariy dsakftical process by which conflicts of ideas and interests are resolved into a legal form .