Các tour du lịch được bán với một nhãn hiệu cho công chúng trực tiếp, hoặc thông qua trung gian. Mặc dù đôi khi được mô tả như một người bán buôn (bán buôn chuyến lưu diễn tại Mỹ), một nhà điều hành tour du lịch, trên thực tế, một nhà sản xuất các sản phẩm du lịch. | T transportation and accommodation from their providers such as carriers and hotels and combining them into a package of travel the tour is sold with a mark-up to the public directly or through intermediaries. Although sometimes described as a wholesaler tour wholesaler in USA a tour operator is in fact a manufacturer of travel products whose activities may be compared to those of others principally assembling product components such as motor car manufacturers or indeed book publishers. tour wholesaler See tour operator tour-basing fare A reduced round trip air or sea fare available to tour operators for use in inclusive tour construction. See . inclusive tour fare ITX tourism See Preface p. vii. tourism accommodation There is no universally accepted definition of tourism accommodation but it may be regarded as any facility that regularly or occasionally provides overnight accommodation for tourists. Tourism accommodation is divided into two main groups collective tourism establishments and private tourism accommodation World Tourism Organization . tourism activity index Measure of relative change in tourism activity over time in which attendance data at given locations are used as a measure of tourism level. Also known as tourism barometer Huan . and O Leary . 1999 Measuring Tourism Performance Champaign IL Sagamore Publishing . tourism attractiveness index Measure of tourism potential of different regions attributed to . Gearing . Swart and T. Var. The approach involves asking a panel of experts to assign weights to a series of attributes to reflect their overall importance for tourism development and asking the experts to evaluate each region on these attributes Smith . 1989 Tourism Analysis A Handbook London Longman . tourism balance Difference between international tourism receipts and international tourism expenditures of a country. Accordingly countries may be divided into those with a positive tourism balance particularly Austria France