Họ ít có khả năng để đối phó với xung đột với mỉa mai hay thù địch, hai chiến lược truyền thông. . . đặc biệt gắn liền với kết quả cuộc hôn nhân nghèo "149 lên các cuộc điều tra tiếp theo sau hai năm của cặp vợ chồng hôn nhân giao ước", "mô tả chất lượng tổng thể hôn nhân của họ là tốt hơn so với các đối tác tiêu chuẩn của họ. | 266 Katherine Shaw Spaht they are making a powerful social statement about marriage as an institution. 148 Couples in a covenant marriage are far more likely to choose communication strategies that do not revolve around attacking or belittling their partner. They are less likely to respond to conflict with sarcasm or hostility two communication strategies that. are particularly strongly associated with poor marriage outcomes. 149 In follow-up surveys after two years of marriage covenant couples described their overall marital quality as better than did their Standard counterparts. Covenant couples were more committed to their marriage two years after the ceremony than at the time of their marriage whereas their standard counterparts had changed little in their level of commitment. 150 With the growing centrality of marriage for covenant couples they experienced higher levels of commitment. higher levels of agreement between partners. fewer worries about having children. and greater sharing of housework. It is not too early. to conclude that covenant marriages are better marriages. Steven Nock the director of the study expresses the view that internally the covenant marriages are vastly better and covenant couples agree about who does what the fairness of things etc. much more than standard couples. 151 As participants in this new form of marriage covenant couples recognize that a covenant marriage preserves the traditional conventional and religious aspects of the traditional institution but also resolves the various inequities often associated with gender in marriages. 152 A key difference that discriminates between the two types of unions. is sanctification of the marriage which simply reflects the couple s view that the marriage warrants consideration apart from the individualistic concerns of either partner. In regard to some matters covenant couples appear to defer to the interests of their marriage even when the individual concerns of the partners may appear