Tham khảo tài liệu ' a guide to matlab object oriented programming episode 2 part 4', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 234 A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming FIGURE Class Wizard Concealed Variables . dialog. Concealed Variables . Dialog Clicking the Concealed Variables . button brings up the dialog shown in Figure . The dialog shown in the figure contains an entry for one variable. Like most of the tool s dialogs the concealed variable dialog is organized into three sections input fields action buttons and a display. In Figure the input fields contain values because a variable name in the display is selected. Selecting a blank line will empty all values in the input fields. Even the name field will be empty because there is no suggested naming convention. Any legal variable name except mDisplayFunc can be entered in the field. The variable name mDisplayFunc is reserved for Class Wizard s use and Class Wizard will include it in class code when necessary. The five data-entry fields in the concealed variable dialog are described by the following Concealed Variable Name holds the name of a concealed member variable. Concealed variables are added one at a time. Type holds a string that describes the variable s type. In response to get obj or set obj concealed variables are not displayed however the type string is included in the header comments of several files get and set for example. Accessor Expression holds the expression used for accessing the variable. The contents of this field are limited to two special cases the exact name of a private member variable or the keyword helper. When the name of a private member variable is used direct-link accessor code is included in . This option also allows clients to specify additional indices beyond the first dot-reference. The helper keyword causes Class Wizard 235 helper-function syntax non-direct-link to be used inside . The helper keyword also triggers the generation of a helper-function stub. The stub contains a complete header along with some initial code and comments. Accessing a concealed .