Ngoài việc báo cáo kết quả thay đổi đáng kể "hoặc" chủ trương quan trọng theo một hành động đã được phê duyệt trước đó "phải được báo cáo" theo cách tương tự như phát hiện được báo cáo. | Intelligence 153 In addition to reporting findings significant changes to or significant undertakings pursuant to a previously approved action must be reported in the same manner as findings are reported. This language is implemented through presidential Memoranda of Notification MONs which supplement amend or clarify previously approved findings. It follows that MONs are reported to the Congress using one of the three mechanisms specified for reporting findings. The triggering threshold for significant undertakings or changes has been the subject of internal executive debate as well as debate with the Congress. The legislative history gives two examples. This would occur when the president authorizes a change in the scope of a previously approved finding to authorize additional activities to occur. The second type of change specified in this subsection pertains to significant undertakings pursuant to a previously approved finding. This would occur when the president authorizes a significant activity under a previously-approved finding without changing the scope of the finding These are the same terms referenced in National Security Decision Directive 286 signed by President Reagan in the immediate wake of the Iran-Contra Affair stating In the event of any proposal to change substantially the means of implementation of or the level of resources assets or activity under a Finding or in the event of any significant change in the operational condition country or countries significantly engaged or risks associated with a special activity a written Memorandum of Notification MON shall be submitted to the president for his Finally the Act requires the president and the DNI to ensure that the intelligence committees are kept fully and currently informed of the intelligence activities of the United States including any significant anticipated intelligence activity as required by this Title. 54 Likewise Section 503 of the Title pertaining to covert