Đã hoàn tất! Nó trông giống như module của bạn làm việc tốt, cả hai API, API ban đầu và API mới hơn, bây giờ có thể được sử dụng. Chúng ta hãy một chút thời gian để tạo ra và tải lên một distibution mới cho PyPI. | sharing your code Your module supports both APIs Well done It looks like your module is working well as both APIs the original API and the newer API can now be used. Let s take a moment to create and upload a new distibution for PyPI. As before let s amend the version setting in the setup . py program name version py_modules nester ớhíe again be sure io tbange . 0 T ------------ e va e assoiia-ted wi-tb nester ve psioh ih p-py And with the code changes applied upload this new version of your distribution to PyPI File Edit Window Help UploadThree This all looks fire 3rd dandy- python3 sdist upload running sdist running check reading manifest file MANIFEST creating making hard links in . hard linking - hard linking - Creating tar archive removing and everything under it running upload Submitting dist to http pypi Server response 200 OK Success The messages from setup . py confirm that the your latest version of nester is up on PyPI. Let s hope this one satisfies all of your users. Consider your code carefully. How might some of your users still have a problem with this version of your code you are here 4 65 faulty default Your API is still not right Although the API lets your users invoke the function in its original form the nesting is switched on by default. This behavior is not required by everyone and some people aren t at all happy. works fine for me. I can t believe it My programs were back to running fine but now everything is indented. Has this thing . changed again Another version of nester has been its default behavior might not be what you want. Of course if you have some functionality that really ought to be optional that is not the default you should adjust your code to make it so. But how One solution is to add a third argument which is set to True when the indenting is required and False .