C# một ngôn ngữ phát triển từ C++ có nhiều nét giống Java, được đưa vào là Visual C#.NET. Tương tự, ngôn ngữ Visual C++ quen thuộc được đóng gói vào là Visual C++.NET bao gồm phần C++ truyền thống dùng cho ứng dụng độc lập với phần mở rông để dùng với nền .NET. Về phần , đây là một cải tiến và ko tương thích hoàn toàn với các phiên bản Vbasic. Tuy nhiên dường như những tính năng mới đã bù đắp khá nhiều cho sự ko tương thích. . | Working with the Web Part Architecture Because this book is focused on creating controls not a lot of time has been spent on how to use controls. As an experienced developer you are already familiar with how to use the various server controls. However Web Parts present a different issue. Not only are Web Parts the newest part of the toolkit the way they work together and their dependence on the personalization sub-system make working with Web Parts a different experience than working with other controls. Chapter 2 described how to design pages with Web Parts and how users interact with them. This chapter describes how a programmer interacts with Web Parts to Control which personalization provider is to be used Set whether changes are applied to the current user or all users Set and determine which types of changes are permitted on a page Implement authorization strategies for your Web Parts by creating a custom WebPartManager Monitor and manage personalization changes made by the user by interacting with WebPartManager events Dynamically convert standard controls on the page to Web Parts and add them to WebPartZones Make personalization changes to the host page from the host page s code Import and export personalization settings and support importing exporting a WebPart that you create With one exception none of the material in this chapter directly discusses how to create a control the one exception is the section on setting attributes to enable exporting for a Web Part . However Chapter 11 the more you know about how developers will expect to use your Web Part the better job you will do of designing it. And of course it s not unlikely that in addition to building Web Parts you want to use them yourself. Setting Personalization Options on the WebPartManager In this section you learn how to Control the personalization options in the WebPartManager Have changes made by one user shared by many users Implement .