Petrobras đã phát động một cuộc thi quốc gia cho việc xây dựng của dự án kiến trúc của Trung tâm Nghiên cứu mới được xây dựng ở Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dự án này là người chiến thắng để đáp ứng các thách thức của hiệu quả sinh thái trong kiến trúc, tạo ra ambients bên ngoài và nội bộ tìm kiếm sự thoải mái môi trường xung quanh cho những người cư ngụ, năng lượng hiệu quả hoạt động của các tòa nhà, khả năng của thế hệ năng lượng sạch và sử dụng của cảnh quan và. | ECO-EFFICIENCY SYSTEM CENPES II JOSE WAGNER GARCIA SIEGBERT ZANETTINI RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL Petrobras launched a national contest for the elaboration of the architectural project of its new Research Center to be built in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. This project was the winner for meeting the challenge of the eco-efficiency in the architecture creating external and internal ambients that seek ambient comfort for the occupants the operational energy efficiency of the buildings the possibility of clean energy generation and the use of the landscape and natural elements such as topography climate winds and vegetation in the composition of the spaces added to the privileged view of Guanabara Bay. Defined by a predominantly horizontal concept the implantation proposes a fully constructed complex the buildings interspersed with open spaces integrated by means of the great central covering the covered and uncovered areas environmentally enriched by the landscape treatment and by the consequent formation of shaded spaces. The adopted concept also reflects an open construction condition that understands the use of space relative to time in function of the evolution of future necessities outlining solutions of great flexibility for enlargements and reforms according to new uses. The axis of the complex is defined by the central circulation that interconnects the orthogonal buildings destined to be laboratories as well as the supply axis pipe-rack . The great shade covering of perforated metal plate mounted on a space-framed structure performs a lung function to enable the covered gardens to breath and preserve the transparency of the space allowing natural illumination maintaining the use of the ventilation. The systems were all conceived for the best use and maximum prevention of aggression to the environment. -Appropriate use of solar energy within cost benefit parameters. -Use of the rain and the recycling treatment of water. -Use of seawater intended as an appropriate solution