AIM xây dựng trên các kỹ thuật cơ bản trong Tài liệu Chuẩn bị báo cáo tài chính và phát triển kiến thức và hiểu biết về khái niệm kế toán tài chính cao cấp hơn và nguyên tắc. Các thí sinh sẽ được yêu cầu để áp dụng sự hiểu biết này bằng cách chuẩn bị và giải thích các báo cáo tài chính trong bối cảnh thực tế. Mục tiêu Sau khi hoàn thành của ứng cử viên giấy có thể: | Paper Financial Reporting INT AIM To build on the basic techniques in Paper Preparing Financial Statements and to develop knowledge and understanding of more advanced financial accounting concepts and principles. Candidates will be required to apply this understanding by preparing and interpreting financial reports in a practical context. OBJECTIVES On completion of this paper candidates should be able to appraise and apply specified accounting concepts and theories to practical work place situations appraise and apply the International regulatory framework of financial reporting prepare financial statements for different entities to comply with specified International Accounting Standards International Financial Reporting Standards and other related pronouncements prepare group financial statements excluding group cash flow statements to include a single subsidiary. An associated company or joint venture may also be included analyse interpret and report on financial statements including cash flow statements and related information to a variety of user groups discuss and apply the requirements of other specified International Accounting Standards International Financial Reporting Standards demonstrate the skills expected in Part 2. POSITION OF THE PAPER IN THE OVERALL SYLLABUS Paper builds on the techniques developed at Paper Financial Statements and tests the conceptual and technical financial accounting knowledge that candidates will require in order to progress to the higher level analytical judgmental and communication skills of Paper Advanced Corporate Reporting. Paper also provides essential financial accounting knowledge and principles that need to be fully understood by auditors thus it forms some of the prerequisite knowledge of Paper Audit and Internal Review and the option Paper Audit and Assurance services. Prerequisite knowledge for Paper is largely the basic knowledge and skills demonstrated at Paper .