Tài khoản - Mỗi thể loại riêng biệt của tài sản, trách nhiệm, doanh thu, vốn chủ sở hữu hoặc chi phí cho các giao dịch được ghi lại một cách riêng biệt. Một tài khoản có thể có một thẻ ghi nợ hoặc dư nợ tín dụng. Hồ sơ tài khoản thường được giữ như các trang riêng biệt trong một cuốn sách được gọi là sổ kế toán. Tài khoản đôi khi được gọi là tài khoản sổ cái. Kế toán phương trình - cơ sở cho toàn bộ quá trình kế toán: Tài sản = Nợ phải. | Clearing the Tax Accounts Similarly when you remit PST to the government the journal entry to record the remittance might appear as follows Debit Credit 2140 PST Payable 4060 PST Commission 1100 Cash The PST Commission amount should be included only if your province allows you to retain part of the provincial sales tax you collect as commission. 21-6 Simply Accounting Glossary Account Each separate category of asset liability equity revenue or expense for which transactions are recorded separately. An account can have a debit or credit balance. Account records are usually kept as separate pages in a book called a ledger. Accounts are sometimes called ledger accounts. Accounting Equation The basis for the entire accounting process Assets Liabilities Equity. Accounting Period The period of time over which a company s business transactions are recorded and at the end of which the company s financial statements are printed. Most accounting systems have an accounting period of one month. Accounts Payable Money owed by the company for goods and services provided by its suppliers. Accrual Method A method of stating income whereby revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they are earned not when the payment is received. Most businesses are required by law to use the accrual method of accounting. Accrued Expenses Expenses which have been incurred but have not yet been paid and recorded in the books because no invoice has been received. Adjustments Journal entries to record accrued expenses depreciation accrued revenues bad debts and other items which must be recorded at the end of the accounting period in order to state income accurately. The journal entries to record adjustments are called adjusting entries. Assets All the physical things and other items of value owned by a company. They are listed on the left side of the balance sheet. Assets include finished and unfinished inventory land buildings cash and money owed to the company by .