Creation and maintenance of production prescriptions inclusive all necessary specifications | Qualität Umwelt Management System PB-Nr S07 Formulation Maintenance Process owner Development departments Process purpose and target Creation and maintenance of production prescriptions inclusive all necessary specifications Schnittstellen Supplier Document Process input R04-Delivery Laboratory job Laboratory journal product specifications raw material selection R05-Production Batch formulation Process parameter corrections S11-Customer service Complaint acknowledgements of the customer Customer Document Process output R 02-Auftragsabwicklung Item stock article specifications R 05-Production Prescription PPS Prescription R 06-delivery Item stock Article specifications monitoring characteristic numbers quality Quality Blockings due to prescription errors incorrect inputs input prescriptions samples Environment Issued by Date of release Version Page Ing. Mathe Juli 2001 0 1 4 PB-Nr S07 Formulation Maintenance - Prescription a 8-digit number indicates and contains all production-relevant data as well as the technical specifications - Articles a 12-digit number indicates and contains apart from a reference to the prescription specification to the bundle and all sales relevant designations. EAN articles indicate a number with 13 digits. Issued by Ing. Mathe Date of release Juli 2001 Version 0 Page 2 4 PB-Nr S07 Formulation Maintenance Flow process documentation competence Documents Responsibility AS IT Rest Development see R 05 RS Production OT Development PS Development TX Production Development Formulation database AS IT Sales Article database RS Raw material OT OT-Info PS Test requirements TX Text AS Article database Rest Indoor sales RS Production Development All Development OT Development TX Production AS IT Sales Dev. Prod. Issued by Ing. Mathe Date of release Juli 2001 Version 0 Page 3