The law-conformal and efficient disposal of our types of refuse with getting rid of intention | Qualität Umwelt Management ö System PB-Nr S09 Waste Management Process owner Waste Manager Process purpose and target The law-conformal and efficient disposal of our types of refuse with getting rid of intention Interfaces Supplier Process input Enterprise Type of waste Customer Process output Department key number labeling and stocks specifications specifications monitoring characteristic numbers Quality Audit Environment Audit flow process documentation competence Issued by Date of release Version page Herr Bauer September 2002 1 1 3 PB-Nr S09 Waste Management Responsibility Process owner Department head Chemical engineer Waste collector Process ower Department head Process owner Department head Waste collector Further definitions Issued by Herr Bauer Date of release Version 1 page 2 3 September 2002 PB-Nr S09 Waste Management All wastes resulting in the operation is to be assigned with the emergence with 5 digits a waste key number. The allocation takes place according to the nomenclature of the OENORM S 2100 refuse catalogue valid in each case version. . Further it is to be determined whether it with the developed waste around dangerous wastes in the sense of the BGBL II No. 227 1997 regulation of the Federal Minister for environment youth and family on the appointment of dangerous wastes and problem materials - appointment regulation concerns itself. Dangerous wastes in accordance with. appointment VO are marked in the OENORM S 2100 in the column of notes by g . For these wastes release notes are in accordance with. To issue BGBL 1991 65 refuse licence regulation . In further consequence is to clarify whether it with the wastes which can be dangerous goods in the sense of the feed-legal regulations GGBG concerns and the appropriate indication is to be determined. Notes to the classification and packing of dangerous wastes the wastes the OENORM S gives to 2105 classification and packing of dangerous wastes for the feed . On base of this allocation the .