Correct Invoicing and payment pursuit | Qualität Ä Umwelt Management System PB-Nr S10 Accounting Process owner Invoicing Hr. Prok. Kokot Bookkeeping Hr. Prok. Dr. Freiseisen Process purpose and target Correct Invoicing and payment pursuit Interfaces Supplier Document Process input R06 - Delivery supply clerk ion CH or EDP delivery note number Customer Payment Customer Document Process output Customer Calculation Customer Reminder monitoring characteristic numbers Quality Credit notes with credit note reason of 16 internal cancellation because of invoicing error Environment Issued by Date of release Version page Hr. Kokot Hr. Freiseisen 00 1 5 PB-Nr S10 Accounting Management System Flow process documentation competence Issued by Hr. Kokot Hr. Freiseisen Date of release Version 00 page 2 5 PB-Nr S10 Accounting Working documents Customs papers . IT Remainder Invoice Invoice copy Documents Responsibility Billing Billing Sales Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Issued by Date of release Version page Hr. Kokot Hr. Freiseisen 00 3