Một số lượng nhỏ hơn của các biến và các thông số là luôn luôn tốt hơn, nhưng sự sẵn sàng của chúng tôi để di chuyển về phía các hiện tượng, phụ thuộc vào đáng tin cậy như thế nào là nguồn gốc của các phương trình vĩ mô từ sự tương tác bằng kính hiển vi. Một cách tiếp cận chính thức đối với phương pháp thay đổi tỷ lệ problemsöa nhiều cơ thể để giảm số lượng của variablesöis sử dụng lý thuyết nhóm tái chuẩn hóa (Wilson 1979). . | 70 ASHBURNER LEWIS spelling error or as drastic as being a new lexical string. If the change does not change the meaning of the term then there is no change to the GO identifier. If the meaning is changed however then the old term its identifier and definition are retired they are marked as obsolete they never disappear from the database and the new term gets a new identifier and a new definition. Indeed this is true even if the lexical string is identical between old and new terms thus if we use the same words to describe a different concept then the old term is retired and the new is created with its own definition and identifier. This is the only case where within any one of the three GO ontologies two or more concepts may be lexically identical all except one of them must be flagged as being obsolete. Because the nodes represent semantic concepts as described by their definitions it is not strictly necessary that the terms are unique but this restriction is imposed in order to facilitate searching. This mechanism helps with maintaining and synchronizing other databases that must track changes within GO which is by design being updated frequently. Keeping everything and everyone consistent is a difficult problem that we had to solve in order permit this dynamic adaptability of GO. The edges between the nodes represent the relationships between them. GO uses two very different classes of semantic relationship between nodes isa and partof . Both the isa and partof relationships within GO should be fully transitive. That is to say an instance of a concept is also an instance of all of the parents of that concept to the root a part concept that is partof a whole concept is a partof all of the parents of that concept to the root . Both relationships are reflexive see below . The isa relationship is one of subsumption a relationship that permits refinement in concepts and definitions and thus enables annotators to draw coarser or finer distinctions depending on the .