Tuyển tập báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học của trường đại học nông nghiệp 1 đề tài: Economic Viability of diseases - free potato seeds Developed Using Rapid Multiplication Techniques. | Journal of Science and Development April 2008 3-7 HANOI UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE economic ViABiLity OF diseases - FREE POTATO SEEDS DEVELOPED using RAPID MULTIPLICATION TEChNiqUES Do Kim Chung Faculty of Economics and Rural Development Hanoi University of Agriculture ABSTRACT This study aims at evaluating the viability of potato seed RMT from seed labs of Hanoi University of Agriculture and Dalat Seed Station and to recommend measures to improve potato seed RMT in Vietnam. It was found that the cost per mini-tuber ranged from 350 to 700 VND. If the selling price is 500 VND per mini-tuber RMT for producing potato mini-tubers has a high economic viability especially at the Dalat lab. With improved procedures of micro-tuber and mini-tuber production RMT can sustain potato seed production at a reasonable price. The private sector seems to produce mini-tubers more cheaply than the public one. Measures to reduce seed cost should aim at 1 Re-designing the lab to save energy costs 2 employing a contract based system and plastics instead of glassware to save labour and equipment costs and 3 using newly dissolved chemical solutions and improving culture skills and lab sanitation to minimize virus infection. Key Words Economic Viability Cost Micro-tubers Mini-tubers Rapid Multiplication Techniques. 1. INTRODUCTION Potato is considered as one of the important annual food crops in Vietnam after rice maize and sweet potatoes. Potato areas fluctuated around 30 000 to 33 000 ha during 2000-2005 General Statistical Office 2006 . However potato production growth was slower than its potential. One of the main reasons for a slow development of potato production is seed degeneration after one or two years of multiplication. Seed cost occupied about 4045 of total variable costs of potato production. Healthy seed potatoes are the basis for a viable sustainable potato production system in Vietnam. This is especially important if a national seed potato production system is established. .