Jour Tuyển tập báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học của trường đại học nông nghiệp 1 đề tài: Investigation of some social factors on the evolution of Avian Influenza (AI) and Foot and mouth disease (FMD) in Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province, Vietnam. | Journal of Science and Development April 2008 112-118 HANOI UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE INVESTIGATION OF SOME SOCiAL FACTORS ON THE EVOLUTION OF AVIAN INFLUENZA AI AND FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE FMD IN LUONG SON DISTRICT HOA BINH PROVINCE VIETNAM Truong Ha Thai Huynh T. My Le Truong Quang Le Van Lanh Chu T. Thanh Huong Faculty of Veterinary Medicine FVM Hanoi University of Agriculture ABSTRACT Understanding the epidemiology and patterns of occurrence of disease is crucial in the progress toward control and eventual eradication of diseases. Each disease is the result of many natural social and geographical linkage factors such as the traditional methods in husbandry animal transportation the awareness and attitude of livestock holders veterinary extension network etc. This paper discusses some of the basic agents focusing on social factors on the evolution of Avian Influenza AI as well as Foot and mouth disease FMD in Luong Son Hoa Binh province. The study surveyed investigation surveillance of disease occurrence and social factors affecting the movement of diseases. The results will help to identify causes and sources of the outbreaks with a view to control and prevent disease in the future. By understanding the basic epidemiology of diseases disease control programs could be designed by the authorities. Key words Social factors Avian Influenza AI foot and mouth disease FMD Luong Son Hoa Binh. 1. INTRODUCTION Avian Influenza AI and Foot and Mouth Disease FMD have been spreading all over the World for some years ago. They caused enormous losses for households as well as livestock production from industrial to small scales. In 2003 AI occurred in 57 out of 64 provinces in Vietnam. There were over 44 billion head of poultry 17 of total number infected dead or damaged. Estimated loss was nearly 120 million USD equal to of the GDP According to the report of the Department of Animal Health of Vietnam -DAH 2007 . In the year 2006 FMD spread in 40 provinces. According to the