Các quốc gia trong mỗi nhóm được liệt kê trong Phụ lục. Với ngoại lệ của các nước kém phát triển, các nhóm trong chương của chúng tôi trùng hợp với những người sử dụng trong Đông và Kraay (2000). Cùng một kết quả thu được khi ba không nhỏ du lịch nước (Jamaica, Jordan | 3. Land environmental externalities and tourism development Javier Rey-Maquieira Palmer Javier Lozano Ibanez and Carlos Mario Gómez Gómez 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays there is wide consensus that there are limits to a tourism development based on quantitative growth. Obviously the availability of a fixed amount of land in a tourism resort puts an ultimate limit on its carrying capacity. However it is reasonable to assume that before the full occupation of land by tourism facilities other limiting factors will operate. Thus the continuous growth in the number of tourists and the associated urban development especially in small tourism destinations can give rise to costs in the form of congestion of public goods and loss of cultural natural and environmental resources. These costs are not only borne by the residents but may also negatively affect the tourism attractiveness of the destination the willingness to pay for tourism services provided in the tourism resort and thus a fall in the returns to investment in the tourism sector. In this chapter we develop a two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model of a small open economy where tourism development is characterized as a process of reallocation of land in fixed supply from low productivity activities agriculture forestry and so on to its use in the building of tourism facilities. This change in the use of land goes along with investment aimed at the building of accommodation and recreational facilities. Land in the traditional sector besides being a direct production factor in this sector contains the cultural natural and environmental resources of the economy. These resources are not only valued by the residents but also have a positive effect on the tourism attractiveness of the resort and on the willingness to pay to visit the tourism destination. We therefore make explicit one of the characteristics of tourism development . the urbanization of land. The model allows for discussion about the limits of the .