Tất cả các quyền theo Công ước Bản quyền quốc tế và Pan-American. Xuất bản tại Hoa Kỳ Neo Books, một chi nhánh của Random House, Inc, New York. Xuất bản trong font hơi khác nhau trong bìa cứng ở Hoa Kỳ bởi Farrar, Straus và Giroux, LLC, New York, vào năm 1999, và xuất bản ở đây bằng cách bố trí với Farrar, Straus và Giroux, LLC. Sách Anchor và hiệu riêng của Neo được đăng ký thương hiệu của Random House, Inc. | NATIONAL BESTSELLER THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNING AUTHOR OF f ƠJÍ BEIRUT JO JERUSALEM UNDERSTANDING GLOBALIZATION THE LEXUS AND THE OLIVE TREE NEWLY UPDATED AND EXPANDED EDITION c UKRENT AFFAI B ưs ĨNRSS A brilliant guide tn the here and now. The New York Times Bonk Review III rhe Lexus and he Olive Tree Thomas I. Friedman the Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist for The New York Times oilers an engrossing look at the new international system that is transforming world affairs today. Globalization has replaced the Cold War system with the integration of capital technology and information across national borders uniting Brazilian peasants Indonesian entrepreneurs Chinese villagers and Silicon Valley technocrats in a single global village. You cannot understand the morning news know where to invest your money or think about the future unless you understand this new system which is profoundly influencing virtually every country in the world today. Friedman tells you what this new electronic glohal economy is all about and what it will take to live within it. With vivid stories drawn from his extensive travels he dramatizes the conflict of die Lexus and the olive tree the tension between the globalization system and the ancient forces of culture geography tradition and community. He also details the powerful backlash that globalization produces among those who feel brutalized by it and he spells out what wc all need to do to keep lhe Lexus and the olive tree in balance l or this new paperback edition Friedman has substantially expanded and updated his provocative analysis making it essential reading for all who care about how the world works now. A powerful volume that comes as close as anything we now have to a definition of the real character of the new world order. Francis Fukuyama The New Statesman Important. . . Friedman writes in straightforward language that should make globalization s complexities comprehensible. I here s a .