Ở phía bên trái của Timeline là danh sách lớp. Khi bạn mở một bộ phim mới, bạn sẽ thấy chỉ có một lớp, unimaginatively đặt tên là Layer 1. Lớp là giống như một tờ acetate trong suốt mà bạn vẽ các đối tượng. Các lớp giúp bạn giữ các đối tượng chạy vào nhau, gây ra bất hạnh, kết quả lộn xộn. Bạn tổ chức bộ phim của bạn bằng cách sử dụng các lớp. | 20 Part I A Blast of Flash_ Following a timeline The Timeline window divides your movie into frames. Each frame represents a tiny stretch of time such as 1-12 of a second. Creating a movie is simply a matter of assembling frames which are then quickly played in order. Chapter 9 explains in detail how to make using the Timeline completely painless. For now you should just understand the essentials. See Figure 1-2 for the basic Timeline. Figure 1-2 The Timeline is your key to managing animation. On the left side of the Timeline is the layer list. When you open a new movie you see only one layer unimaginatively named Layer 1. A layer is like a sheet of transparent acetate on which you draw objects. Layers help you keep objects from running into each other causing unfortunate messy results. You organize your entire movie by using layers. For example if you want to keep some text constant throughout the movie but animate a bouncing dot you would give the dot its own layer and animate it on that layer. The layer list has room for more layers and you can add as many layers as you want. Chapter 6 gives you the lowdown on layers. You can lower the bottom edge of the Timeline to make room for more layers. Hover the mouse cursor over the bottom line until you see the two-headed arrow and drag downward. To the right of Layer 1 you see a bunch of rectangles each representing a frame. Actually before you start using the Timeline they re just potential frames like unexposed frames on a roll of film. By default each frame lasts 112 of a second. Each layer has its own row of frames because you can have different animations or objects on each layer. A keyframe is a frame that defines some change in your animation. In some animations every frame is a keyframe. Other animations need keyframes for only the first and last frames. You don t use the Timeline until you re ready to animate. While you work however you should .