Unix book phần 9

Nếu các thiết bị đầu vào hay đầu ra không quy định họ mặc định tiêu chuẩn đầu vào và đầu ra tiêu chuẩn, tương ứng. Toán hạng có thể bao gồm: ibs = n obs = n bs = n file = n bỏ qua = n count = n conv = giá trị [, giá trị ascii ebcdic LCase UCase | Here wonnmit A hered ocument is a Íormoi c LiotinL thatallowsslicllvariablcstobetiibstitutccl. It s a spt ciali oiTii of redirection that starts wWi WORD and ends wWi WORD as she tnly c ontents af a line. In the Boumeehetly oucanyrevent shetisubstitutionSyc tetipingWORDaycuttinga l intrant ofitonthe redirection lines . WORD but oot on the endieg tine. To have the tamo eftact she et shell expects tied intronl ofWORDat bothtocations. TOefolinnhingacripte i a llLlstsate dtOti for theB ournedhell biclsh does does not- cat EOF Thithete Bocslmonl does anot dosariablc fubctituSton EOF cat EOF Thithete Bocumpnf does ac c t dohariablc fubctituSton EOF anddorthee shell bicltsh-t seadoes oes seSnoS cat EOF Thithete Bocumpnf does anot dosarlablc fubctituSton EOF cat EOF Thithete Bocumpnf does ac c t dosarlablc fubctituSton EOF Botil odlrctitlcttiicllptlt Thithete Bocllmonl does dosarlablc fubctituSton Thithete Bocllmonl does anot dosarlablc fubctituSton In the top eart of rhe examole tite bC -I varisblcs adoes and dnot are . In the boHom pcnl tllevcrell splleslrtslmple eext strisgswithoutsubstitution. IntsodllCtionSo Unit 1998 UniyerfSty Tcchnolc scate BniyerfSty 10 Shellprogramming Sliellscripls willaccept interactivelnput toretparamnteri withintheicript. Sh Shn sesthel iiilt-ineommnnd read torcadine ti ne e . g. repdparam Weaanillnsttata hiin withlheaimnlr acript bintth echo Inputa ahtnsa lc Thinis bintechowhinhicquircs c to prrvanl nctalmc repdparam cchopatamn patam Whenwteunthii rcript itpromntr forinput tiiatpirniecli n s iiiec i ts re Inpuia alii npa hello frank typem hcHo Prank reShm param hello prasat Cshnsestheh sym oltorcadp Hnehrom stdip e h. setparam Tlleepaaesd atlndpieaquatsĩgnel almnortqnt. ThehoHowingacript ttatai in n. intectL-f ccho-n inptlra ahj npa a Thinbuih n echo equires -nto ptrvcnl nctahnc sctpatam echoparam param om r forinput .

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