Ranh giới kịch bản nhập công chúng đại diện cho tiểu bang và các sự kiện có liên quan với các sự kiện phân bổ trong hệ thống. Điều này có nghĩa rằng, dựa trên một số giả định, người sử dụng sẽ lựa chọn các tính năng mặt đất là một ranh giới công chúng trong tương lai. | Figure Execution of the update scenario stage 1 Figure Execution of the update scenario stage 2 Figure Execution of the update scenario stage 4 Figure Execution of the update scenario stage 5 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STDM 83 Table Smallworld GIS object-oriented features. Feature required by the STDM Magik image Data store view Allow direct access to object identifiers yes yes Allow the object to have meaningful yes yes object keys object keys primary keys Allow the use of references attributes no no Allow collection attributes list set array yes no Allow derived attributes no yes Allow update of derived attributes no no Allow referential integrity yes level 2 yes level 4 Allow aggregation relationships no no Allow inheritance yes multiple inheritance no Allow polymorphism yes no Allow methods associated with objects yes yes Allow free methods yes procedures no a Equivalent to primary keys in the relational model. view of the VMDS. This indicates the existence of a proprietary database VMDS being managed by an object-oriented environment Magik . PUBLIC BOUNDARY ENTRY SCENARIO The public boundary entry scenario represents the states and events that are concerned with the allocation events within the system. This means that based on some assumptions the user will select ground features to be a future public boundary. The final allocation decision will be taken by the user who will assign a ground feature to be a draft boundary. The execution of this scenario has been divided into four stages illustrated by diagrams. The first stage focuses on the creation circumstance of a space-time path of a public boundary. It represents the origin of a space-time path within Smallworld GIS. Stage 1 creation In our example the origin has been attached to the assumption event of the STDM. The user has made a statement perhaps based on a boundary commission demand which determines that a possible future public boundary will be created in a certain region. .