Tham khảo tài liệu 'modern biogeochemistry: second edition phần 7', khoa học tự nhiên, công nghệ môi trường phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | West Figure 2. Geohydrologic sections through Panoche Creek alluvial fan illustrating the evolution of groundwater flow system and the concentration of selenium in these waters in the western San Joanquia VallG-Arrows indicate directionofflow. A Shaieow distriOulionofsoilselunium salts andprimaẹthoriõtontal dsrs emnrfgrrunAwaOrrWowretweenrechargeareasinehs upper part ofthefi nwnd Maegrt arens alonqiWeSanJoaguin l iher uru enhfqrigationtime. ss Changes ingrounhwater flow tWnewtifn nnWc ifribftifhof_ i h lasfi e eg tSe 19USetaesugh thel960s. Cn Diecogtigfatisnofpuwping imhe ath 96bi carseda rise inthr wntqrlable Irrigation oflow-igiun areasaan cbhtinueJ irrigerffsfmifdbe end upperfan aheas caused further drwnwaeP dinplaqemmiofsqil srlenihm-runtainingoaltsaed ioarectsingsaeir conlset in groundand drainage waters Deverel et al. 199f . CALIFORNIA CASE STUDIES 265 121-00- 120-30 120-00- Figure 3. Concentrations of selenium in shallow groundwater in the middle alluvial fan deposits Deverel et al. 1994 . Figure 4. Content of Se in fodder crops in USA. ppm 1 low 2 intermediate Ji-sufficient ppm and4 high up to 5 000 and more Besson andMartone 1976 . 266 CHAPTER 14 Box 1. Multiple chemical agent exposure assessment EARC 2005 A major research area for the EARC was the development of approaches for the specification collection and analysisof environmentalexposureandjobtask data for the puiposeofhazard swrôllance epidenũologyaíidfor informing risk assessment where llKzx iss i igAUf ni multipld chemical orcaoSrcooaridiis the develepmens otaniicapiauag thcgrp ia1linealiiaei Iip ilsojgla aeg exposuae assessmgnrandZazard r s n iUams whichemphetrzes characterieelioa cf cxfasune to multipre chemiaeland la ii id aacnts. pro eollawinc nndginerepfprohproifcnr are elementseZiecovnrim ppndogph Cg Ilignavpleeiipcii of mnHicdr toc amding multiple chemtad ere Z eirc- The cppl .cae .p nf saxicolfinedc madehrn to the gszgzsmeetgf mtehgctifpeafects .