Tham khảo tài liệu 'modern biogeochemistry: second edition phần 9', khoa học tự nhiên, công nghệ môi trường phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 356 CHAPTER 17 Figure 19. Critical loads of sulfur at terrestrial ecosystems of South Korea Park and Bashkin. 2001 . the Pusan-Ulsan industrial agglomeration takes place and minimum in the northeastern part. Accordingla a significantpart ofKoreanecosystemswas subjected intensive input oSSl cnd orming compounds. The values of exceedances of sulfur deposition over sulfur caiaical ifads SExSi aacclioa ii Of Fiouso2a. During i 9 -4- ra97tOe CCf acleeswoaehioaer Shan CLmaaevclaes ot agont ons third of tteresttont Kareoa ecosystems S3eeo . Amongtgem the ExS values were in the range 17g-C00eq4ia yrfovS-al ofSotMnemlfev efecosystemo intgeranae of 500-l 000 eqeteSyrwero lai iethe ranee cf l 000ve C00eq hSyrwese noe taoval ifseven eigVarteoo2 0 ui Oa orwore ecosystems. The ether aoat oe Karean n t iV O l t l qe miIiiii- Ornaoifionswere eaosysiees subjected tooeceslseeinpuioe ueftn-ieduced acs ttwThisarea Cim beconaede ed or sustaineetetr tdlleririgula As wr hevemenfioaedabove uringthe loagaea Sv a0-35 orsurfusdeeositioa was due to amissíoo of SOa gg transboundary sources occurred mainly in China. TRANSBOUNDARY N AND s AIR POLLUTION 357 eq htffi i J -3000 to -1000 Q -1000 to 0 0 io 500 ỆI 500 10 1000 o 1000 to 2000 2000 to 3100 . __ gassBsgBgagQBOgra k BBsKjHMm qqm BBBBKBBBSBCOlJLjLJ iigagigSSgmum laigBiaBaiBijaaq i iiiiaHiiidafflg BBaSiiiBaaiiBiBBBBBI WaffliEpiggBiiggBgBSjji SQ03iBBliiBBiBBBB 0 XBEÌiiiiiiiiiiộợc-ỲÕóộộa . .lÌEỄÌÌÌÌÌỘỘỲỘỸỌỘỘộặỲ. SÌSSĨÌÌBÌặộỲỲỲỘỘỲỲỲỲ SiaBSgagffliBiBBBsBKT- - Maetffiit I- kBBiiiii Z A -- XS- A 127 5 LONGITUDE E Figure 20. Exceedances of critical loads of sulfur over South Korea Park and Bashkin. 2001 . Thus theemissionabatement sittate y in South L MX a hasto bedeveloped taking into account both local and transboundary emission reduction in the whole East Asian values their mapping can present a good