Chúng tôi ghi nhận rằng huấn luyện viên sử dụng một công cụ mở rộng, cái gọi là phù hợp / Danh sách rủi ro (ESRL), mô tả một dự án. Trong giai đoạn đầu của Dsdm sử dụng trong bộ phận, các huấn luyện viên đã sử dụng những câu hỏi trong Dsdm phù hợp bộ lọc ban đầu (Dsdm Consortium, 2003). Sau đó, khi họ có được kinh nghiệm với họ, một số câu hỏi đã được mở rộng và làm rõ, và hơn nữa, cho mỗi câu hỏi, làm việc hướng dẫn,. | Adaptation of an Agile Information System Development Method 73 Figure 1. Overall coaching activities regarding method adaptation i ADAPTATION ANALYSIS I__I Legend Activity name Decision point We noted that coaches were using an instrument the so-called Extended Suit-ability Risk List ESRL for characterizing a project. During the early stages of DSDM use in the department the coaches had used the questions in the original DSDM suitability filter DSDM Consortium 2003 . Later as they gained experience with them some questions were extended and clarified and furthermore for each question working instructions measures useful hints and tips were added Table 4 . The ESRL became an instrument that provided a baseline for the written advice to be produced for each project. In our interviews with both the coaches and the project managers participants emphasized the significance of using the ESRL in method adaptation. They commented on the high relevance of the factors in the ESRL for better understanding the project situation at hand. In the ESRL the applicability factors are closely related the preconditions and principles that need to be taken into account for the effective use of the method. These in fact reflect most of the success or risk factors that are often Copyright 2007 IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 74 Aydin Harmsen Hillegersberg Stegwee Table 4. The extraction from the ESRL Applicability Factor Suitability Y N Explanation Management Measure P Preventive C Corrective Problem ownership The identity of the problem holder or customer for the project is clear. Is a champion proponent leader present and able to ensure that resources are released P1. Do not start project. P2. Determine who actually holds the purse strings and who ultimately makes decisions and carries the responsibility. Who will have problems if the system is