Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế về bệnh thú y đề tài: A Study on the Spinoreticulocerebellar Tract in Chickens | J. Vet. Sci. 2003 4 1 1-8 JOURNAL OF Veterinary Science A Study on the Spinoreticulocerebellar Tract in Chickens Il-kwon Park Moo-kang Kim1 Imagawa Tomoro and Uehara Masato Faculty of Agriculture University of Tottori Tottori 680-8550 Japan College of Veterinary Medicine Chungnam National University Daejeon 305-764 Korea Received September 13 2002 Accepted March 10 2003 Abstract The spicoreticulocerebellar SRC tract is an indirect spinocerebellar tract formed by the reticular formation RF which is connected to the cerebellum and spinal cord. The RF receives ascending fibers to both the spinal enlargem ent and sends descending fibe rs to the cerebellum. This study dem onstrated that the connectivity of the neurons in the RF is concerned to the cerebellum and spinal cord using the anterograde projection with biotinylated dextran amine BDA and retrograde labeling with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase WGA-HRP . Until now a preliminary study in mammals has dealt with the afferent and efferent p athw ays in separating groups of neurons in the RF. There are only few reports on chickens. This study examined the SRC tract in chickens. Follow ing bilateral injections we injected BDA into chicken spinal cord lum bosacral enlargement and WGA-HRP into the cerebellum. Both of sin gle - and double-labeled cells were found w ithin the RF. The spinoreticular axons were m ainly distributed from the potom edullary junction to the rostral m edulla in the rostro-caudally RF levels for example nucleus of reticularis n. r. pontis oralis locus coeruleus n. r. pontis caudalis n. r. pars gigan-tocellularis n. r. gigantocellularis and n. r. p arvo-cellu alris. Reticulocerebellar labeling by the WGA-HRP w as found in the same place as well as that of the BDA-projection. We observed that the proportion and loc ation of double labeling cells in the chicken were almost similar in each level comparing to the rodents. These results suggest that the reticular formation is stron gly .