ác hệ thống khác nhau, tuy nhiên, không cũng được tích hợp. Ví dụ rõ ràng nhất là cần thiết PDA để dịch vị trí tọa độ nhận được trong định dạng XY từ CyberMate vào kinh độ / vĩ độ vào hệ thống bản đồ GPS. Trường hợp kết luận Trong ba giai đoạn của cuộc khảo sát (các câu hỏi, phỏng vấn và phỏng vấn quan sát) một số kết luận đã được thực hiện. | 192 Niklas Johansson Torbjom Lind and Bengt Sandblad to solve all communication and mfomation needs an emergency car is equipped with no less than nine different systems in addition to the CAK-net system. Fig. . Nine different IT systems are used by ambulance personnel ThedifferecC eystems ore howevei notweeiintegraOed. The most obvious example is the PDA necessary to translate the position coordinates received inX-Y format fromthe CybetMate into longitude latitudeforen-try intotheGPSmaf ayetem. Case conctiastons Duringthethreephasesof the survey questionnaires interviews and observation interviews several conclusions have been made. Typical problems amdweakyesteeef investloatedtystemsimpty that . Mobile IT systemshave to be JmJ to auporn . atuatíoneanden-vironments where they might be used. Informationpresertael tf tyetemshattf bacaaeifdldeho ien edfectively presenteOandaaso y-acayfr. 8 Usability in IT Systems for Mobile Work 193 Well integrated systems are appreuiated sinccthcyprovidcgood woop-eration with other users effective information handling and thereby help pcrsonnelto vork vcl landcffcctivcly. Design for usability in mobile systems for home care This study was performedas a partof alargeproject VIHO aSwedish acronym for Efficient Computer Support in Care for the Elderly per-formedinKortedalaiaeubucC of Gothynburg m Swedyn. The puH oscwas to mvnstiga-c hew new mobile yould supinoet duvclopmcet ef the organioctlon dfficinncy of word procedoresandworkendiionmenri Reseatdhors ovirS abaakoeaunCm hnmen-compsircy intfraydontogcrycn with oonsriltsnts from Komanco AB o yompono owned do the Swedislt Monioipoi WorSsos Unicn were ino-olvcd in the project. e Background Todayprofessionalsincare for elderly and especially in home care normally have few technical support systems. In most cases none at all. Many commd-cinloys-gmo Oaneboendeve-ooeB but Sob darehad anyeoccessot all. It wnsoiltlsdpoihnslstitsttltiswas n lefr .