Là một phần của ổ đĩa cho sự hấp thu của bộ sản phẩm WAP, WAP cổng nhà sản xuất đã phát triển các ứng dụng thử nghiệm, có thể được lưu trữ trên nền tảng cổng hoặc trên một nền tảng riêng biệt. Đây là sau đó được cung cấp như là một phần của bộ dụng cụ đánh giá thử nghiệm để các bên quan tâm, cho phép khả năng hiển thị ban đầu của các tiềm năng của dịch vụ WAP. | Page 134 not to be mixed up with the multipart sent between the push initiator and the push proxy gateway . If the content indicated by a service indication for example a WML deck is placed as the first entity in a multipart conveyed to the mobile client and the service indication is placed as the second entity then the WML deck will be cached before the service indication is presented. So when the user chooses to load the indicated service the content is readily available in the cache which will improve the user experience. But remember given what was said in Section a priori knowledge of the client s capabilities is recommended if this approach should be used. If a thin client is addressed it is usually better to only send the service indication. Service indication also provides some additional features to improve its usability. These include deletion and replacement of previously submitted service indications resolving race conditions and the possibility to specify the level of user-intrusiveness controls when the service indication should be presented to the user if the client is busy when it is received . It is also possible to specify when a service indication expires and thereby should be automatically deleted. Service loading Service loading 7 is also an XML-based content type and just like service indication is used to instruct the mobile client to load content indicated by a URL into a clean user agent context. The difference is that no message can be presented to the user and the indicated service will be loaded without any user intervention at all. Hence the user will experience the indicated service as if it were pushed and executed or rendered directly. It is also possible to use the content type to instruct the client to preemptively place the content indicated by the URL in the cache. This is directly contrary to what was said in Section and the content type should therefore be used very carefully. The content type is first and