bởi vì mô hình có quá nhiều trạng thái toàn cầu. Trong chế độ đầy đủ, khi bạn nhìn thấy là bộ nhớ RAM của máy tính của bạn là đầy đủ, bạn có thể ngăn chặn các mô phỏng, bởi vì nó trở nên rất chậm. Trong trạng thái-bit, bộ nhớ được phân bổ vào đầu (kích thước của mảng bit cộng với một vài MB thêm) và không còn tăng. | 232 Validation of Communications Systems with SDL A. In the Simulator press on the button Verify. B. In the Verifying window press on Limit a queue. C. In the Limit a queue window press on Instance. D. In the Instance window select process atob 1 and press OK. E. In the Limit a queue window press on Apply. F. Repeat the previous steps for instances btoa 1 dlca dispatch 1 and dlcb dispatch 1 . G. Check that the list filter command gives the results below list filter filter is_active dlcb dispatch 1 and length dlcb dispatch 1 queue 1 filter is_active dlca dispatch 1 and length dlca dispatch 1 queue 1 filter is_active btoa 1 and length btoa 1 queue 1 filter is_active atob 1 and length atob 1 queue 1 H. We need filters for process instances DLC 1 and DLC 2 in blocks DLCa and DLCb. Select Edit Filter Conditions and add the following filters is_active dlca dlc 1 and is_active dlcb dlc 1 and is_active dlca dlc 2 and is_active dlcb dlc 2 and length dlca dlc 1 queue 1 length dlcb dlc 1 queue 1 length dlca dlc 2 queue 1 length dlcb dlc 2 queue 1 We must also limit the number of instances that can be created because each new process instance gets its own new Pid therefore each new Pid generates a new global state. For example if you simulate 50 times the sequence establish a DLC release a DLC you get 50 different Pids for process DLC. Remember that the limit indicated in the SDL model such as DLC 0 2 only prevents having more than two instances of process DLC at the same time. I. In the Simulator select Edit Filter Conditions and add the following filters create dlca dlc 3 create dlcb dlc 3 It means that the sequence establish a DLC release a DLC can be simulated two times only because the transition leading to the creation of the third instance of process DLC is filtered. You can try the sequence in interactive mode and see that after the sequence mentioned it is not possible to establish a new DLC signal L_EstabReq . J. Finally to simulate first a configuration where .