Nước tập trung nhiều sẽ bắt đầu di chuyển và liên kết với các khoang, túi nước khác, dần dần hình thành mạch ngước ngầm lớn nhỏ, tuy nhiên việc hình thành nước ngầm phụ thược vào lượng nước ngấm xuống và phụ thuộc vào lượng mưa và khả năng trữ nước của đất. | 96 Kord Ernstson Reinhard Kirsch layer i with thickness hi in a sounding curve supplies a substitute resistivity p i and substitute thickness h i p IPt -pl h hi - While for the substitute resistivity pL p pT the substitute thickness h i is larger than the true thickness hj by a multiplier of X pT pL X being the coefficient of anisotropy Fig. . Fig. . Electrical anisotropy on different scales a macroanisotropic resistivity section with average transverse and longitudinal resistivities pT and pL left and a single microanisotropic layer with transverse and longitudinal resistivities pT and pL right . Interpretation of the sounding curve leads to higher thickness of the mi-croanisotropic layer h3 than in reality Geoelectric anisotropy is a matter of scale and of the resolution of a vertical resistivity section. While graphite a slate or a lake sediment may be termed microanisotropic a sequence of well-defined electrically isotropic beds can behave macroanisotropic if they are not resolved in a geoelectric sounding curve see . the ten-layer case in Fig. . true resistivity section MICROANISOTROPY from computer modelling Pl h P2 p3 - VPt-Pl h 1 3 h3 ựF P4 3 Geoelectrical methods 97 For a macroanisotropic section average longitudinal and average transverse resistivities can be calculated from the parameters of the single beds Fig. p L s h Z s hi Zp i pT sh pi Zshi Substitute resistivity and thickness as well as coefficient of anisotropy are the same as for microanisotropic behavior . Equivalence between true resistivity sections and sections with substitute layers due to anisotropy may cause serious modeling and interpretation errors if the anisotropy both macro and micro is not recognized. As can be calculated from Eqs. - intermittently occurring high- and low-resistivity beds may lead to large coefficients of anisotropy and correspondingly to large errors in modeled thicknesses. Anisotropy also leads to discrepancies .