Tham khảo tài liệu 'manual for soil analysis-monitoring and assessing soil bioremediation phần 3', khoa học tự nhiên, hoá học phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 60 . wake For assessmentofthe water retention characteristics To deteemrae waher rrnosne ca rcerificmatcic . formieroo bial degradotionsiadies To aaceataen thr ceiatiooshia hetweeo thocegarihomatric prssturesend other aailphasical . hydraalidconduceivity thermalcoo-ductivity To deteamiae tOe draiyds-ecaee spacr pollutíoA ois- cssessment To deteamiae iodicesdoc plwas-cvaiiaatrwater ta the for irri-gatioa-uahocnsi Principle. Uadistusdea sod damplesOcoíl coaei asousad foe tdr - 61 -meat w e high matric prssturerenge stinole-cce rateii rated with dr-aedaCadwrCdr or cpleium tulfate nri-aùoa L aad subseqnenclyilsainddusing nahd kaohn ar ceramR ro l ÚDntab -eor pressures room r -o 20 aaa aad prcsdurep oPc cxSrccCors fc rdW esmiaa-tiea ea pacsruaesOaom w5to -l reOkPal. AtequiliOrlum stot OS soHramples are we-phrd t ncddrich dpddeweigyrdtd detr-miae os warro content. TOh desultsadogivso ditOh aa velume fnactira nd maas o r . The diererearcsih veludne inocưrs at diffrddai rpcsiea nreshuaes Ivo tds oere vc-sm foCo dnediumpodcs í- ool diediffeddares íh mash Cruoriwns gi-c tde Whtea content sdCaiapdmthdsc sso 11274 1998 mdth-eds aad Oescaidod nameC-oso rfmc kaohn or cddamic sociiea nadlcs fed ddiepmiaapiaa ud mcter ruacpn-s ai hresauaes ol s 0 a-a a id us df pddssuddpOoSds for ddiepmiaapiaauf -sesruresetom -5 to -1 5-OkPa. Theory. Sdil W2tet rdacpa- ad mahdicprescure oro so-ateS to each oi-et. At Zddo mosaic presture Oo sort is saturated sad dir hdrdf cas filled with water As the idit orias maoric prssture decscdsescnd o-c d p -ii empty occardiaa to theía dquivclrntUicmeter. Laige coarse pores SOfimlwill draia dS a mdtric -dessuae oO -ó kPíotighr aodrse - oc -50 0- 5 dt -6 to 30 kPa mtdrumddl cs c- -30 te -l 5eOkPd dAd Hoc a co c- . Sampling 1. It ise1 sentio thatundistusdehseii ddmflesOc used foamrasuaement dt thematric oressure rauoe a to -irekPa sidee scii sOructuse iros