Hình 9,28 cho thấy các phản ứng tần số đo và tính toán của cô lập lẫn nhau giữa E và H-cánh tay và cánh tay cân bằng 1 và 2. Sự biệt lập giữa E và H-cánh tay lớn hơn 30 dB từ 2 GHz đến 4 GHz. Trong cùng một dải tần số, sự cô lập lẫn nhau giữa hai cánh tay cân bằng lớn hơn 12 dB. Hình 9,29 cho thấy sự cân bằng biên độ 180 ° out-of-pha và khớp nối chế độ InPhase. | 262 RING MAGIC-T CIRCUITS Frequency GHz FIGURE Measured and calculated frequency responses of the H-arm s power dividing for the uniplanar slotline ring magic-T. Figure shows the measured and calculated frequency responses of mutual isolation between the E- and H-arms and the balanced arms 1 and 2. The isolation between the E- and H-arms is greater than 30dB from 2 GHz to 4 GHz. Over the same frequency range the mutual isolation between the two balanced arms is greater than 12dB. Figure shows the amplitude balance for the 180 out-of-phase and inphase mode coupling. The maximum amplitude imbalance of the E-arm is in the frequency range of maximum amplitude imbalance of the H-arm is over the same frequency range. Figure shows the phase balance for the 180 out-of-phase and in-phase mode coupling. The phase error of the E-arm is 3 at the center frequency of 3 GHz. The E-arm s maximum phase imbalance is 5 over the frequency range of 2-4 GHz. The phase error of the H-arm is 3 at the center frequency of 3 GHz. The H-arm s maximum phase imbalance is 6 from 2 to 4 GHz. REDUCED-SIZE UNIPLANAR MAGIC-Ts Figure shows the reduced-size magic T that consists of one out-of-phase and three in-phase CPW-slotline tee junctions 15 . The out-of-phase T-junction serves as a phase inverter. In Figure ports E and H correspond REDUCED-SIZE UNIPLANAR MAGIC-Ts 263 FIGURE Measured and calculated frequency responses of the mutual isolation for the uniplanar slotline ring magic-T. FIGURE H- and E-arms amplitude balances for the uniplanar slotline ring magic-T. 264 RING MAGIC-T CIRCUITS Frequency GHz FIGURE H- and E-arms phase balances for the uniplanar slotline ring magic-T. to the E- and H-arm of the conventional waveguide magic-T respectively. Ports 1 and 2 are the balanced arms. Figure h shows the equivalent transmission line model of the magic-T. The twisted transmission line represents the reversal of the .