trên phim nanofibre polymer huỳnh quang gần đây đã được báo cáo [58, 59]. Kết quả sơ bộ cho thấy rằng độ nhạy phim nanofibre để phát hiện các ion sắt và thủy ngân và các hợp chất nitro (2,4-dinitrotulene, DNT) là 2-3 đơn đặt hàng của cường độ cao hơn so với độ nhạy thu được từ các cảm biến màng mỏng. | Next-Generation Applications for Polymeric Nanofibres 145 on fluorescent polymer nanofibre films have recently been reported 58 59 . Preliminary results indicate that the sensitivities of nanofibre films to detect ferric and mercury ions and a nitro compound 2 4-dinitrotulene DNT are two to three orders of magnitude higher than sensitivities obtained from thin film sensors. A single nanofibre coated with two metals at different segments will create a junction which can be made into a thermocouple to detect inflammation of coronary arteries with extremely fast response times 60 . Such nanothermocouples can be inserted into a cell to monitor the metabolic acticvities at various locations within the cell. Furthermore multiple nanothermocouples can be circumferentially mounted on a catheter balloon to allow mapping of the arterial wall temperature 61 . Conclusion Nanofibres and nanofibre structures are relatively recent materials. A number of publications have appeared in recent years on specific polymeric nanofibers their processing methods and uses. See Figure for a summary of next-generation Figure Summary and advantages of polymeric nanofibres for next-generation applications 146 Nanotechnology applications. However there are several areas that require attention for further development of the field. Potential applications of polymer nanofibres have been recognized but are mainly limited to the laboratory at present. Much greater efforts will be required to commercialize these applications. As a result research and development of polymer nanofibres will continue to attract the attention of scientists in the near future. Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the efforts by M. Kotaki R. Inai C. Y. Xu and F. Yang of the Biomaterials Lab at NUS and Professor A. Yarin of Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. References 1. Martin et al. US Patent 4044404 1977. 2. How T V. US Patent 4552707 1985. 3. Bornat A. US Patent 4689186 1987. 4. Martin et al. US .