Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp đề tài:"Selfing and sibship structure in a two-cohort stand of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) using nuclear SSR markers Santiago C. González-Martíneza,b, Sophie Gerberc, María-Teresa Cerverad, José-Miguel Martínez-Zapaterd, Ricardo " | Ann. For. Sci. 60 2003 115-121 INRA EDP Sciences 2003 DOI forest 2003003 115 Original article Selfing and sibship structure in a two-cohort stand of maritime pine Pinus pinaster Ait. using nuclear SSR markers Santiago C. González-Martíneza b Sophie Gerberc María-Teresa Cerverad José-Miguel Martínez-Zapaterd Ricardo Alíaa and Luis Gilb a Unidad de Genética Forestal CIFOR-INIA PO 8111 28080 Madrid Spain b Unidad de Anatomía Fisiología y Genética ETSIM Ciudad Universitaria s n 28040 Madrid Spain c Laboratoire de génétique et amélioration des arbres forestiers INRA BP 45 33611 Gazinet Cedex France d Departamento de Genética Molecular de Plantas Centro Nacional de Biotecnología CSIC Campus Universidad Autónoma de Madrid en Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid Spain Received 19 December 2001 accepted 25 June 2002 Abstract - The genetic relatedness between pairs of trees was analyzed in an adult stand of maritime pine with abundant advanced natural regeneration using three highly polymorphic microsatellites EP 90 . Only five possible self-pollinated offspring were found thus meaning a maximum selfing rate based on dispersed progeny of . Likelihood ratios were used to detect sib relationships in both mature trees and natural regeneration. The percentage of half-sib and full-sib links in the adult trees was and respectively thus indicating a low level of genetic relatedness due to sib relationships 3 . Similar results were obtained for the natural regeneration but with a higher percentage of full-sibs and a greater family size. A high amount of pollen gene flow from outside the plot is suggested to explain the low genetic relatedness found. Collection of seedlots in this stand seems adequate as a low level of inbreeding is expected. mating system genetic relatedness microsatellites Pinus pinaster Mediterranean region Résumé - Étude de l autofécondation et apparentements dans un peuplement de pin maritime constitué de deux cohortes à l aide de marqueurs .