Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp đề tài:"Stability of transgene expression in poplar: A model forest tree species" | 427 Ann. For. Sci. 60 2003 427-438 INRA EDP Sciences 2003 DOI forest 2003035 Original article Stability of transgene expression in poplar A model forest tree species Simon HAWKINSa b Jean-Charles LEPLÉa Daniel CORNUa Lise JOUANINc Gilles PILATEa a Unité Amélioration Génétique et Physiologie Forestières INRA-Orléans avenue de la Pomme de Pin BP 20619 Ardon 45166 Olivet Cedex France b Present address Laboratoire de Physiologie des Parois Végétales UPRES EA 3568 USC INRA UFR de Biologie Bât. SN2 Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 59655 Villeneuve d Ascq Cedex France c Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire INRA 78026 Versailles Cedex France Received 11 March 2002 accepted 9 September 2002 Abstract - We evaluated the stability of trangene expression in a hybrid poplar Populus tremula X P. alba clone transformed with constructs carrying a reporter gene uidA under the control of either a constitutive 35S or a vascular-specific promoter. Analyses of transgene expression by GUS fluorometry and histochemistry was performed on several hundreds of trees originating from 44 different transgenic lines grown under in vitro greenhouse and field conditions. While important variations in expression levels occurred the transgene appeared to be stably expressed throughout a 6-year period. Only one silenced transgenic line was detected under in vitro conditions molecular analyses indicated that this line contained an elevated number of transgene copies and was probably silenced from the beginning at the post-transcriptional level. Overall these results suggest that transgene expression in perennial species such as trees remains stable over an extended period. field trials gene silencing poplar transgene stability transgenic trees Résumé - Stabilité d expression de transgènes chez le peuplier une espèce forestiere modèle. Notre étude a pour but d évaluer la stabilité de l expression d un transgène chez un peuplier hybride Populus tremula X P. alba transformé avec le .