Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp đề tài: Can sales of infested timber be used to quantify attacks by Ips typographus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae)? A pilot study from Belgium. | Ann. For. Sci. 61 2004 477-480 INRA EDP Sciences 2004 DOI forest 2004041 477 Original article Can sales of infested timber be used to quantify attacks by Ips typographus Coleoptera Scolytidae A pilot study from Belgium Anne FRANKLINa b Charles De CANNIÈREa Jean-Claude GRÉGOIREa a Lutte biologique et Écologie spatiale Université Libre de Bruxelles 1050 Bruxelles Belgium b Current address Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Dept. Invertebrates rue Vautier 29 1000 Bruxelles Belgium Received 16 August 2002 accepted 3 June 2003 Abstract - Quantifying the abundance and distribution of forest pests is a widespread problem in forest health management. Bark beetles are monitored using a number of methods including damage surveys and pheromone trapping. As such methods are expensive and timeconsuming information is also regularly compiled from estimations of the number of infested trees removed from the forest. The reliability of those estimations is poorly documented. This pilot study investigated whether data from sales of attacked trees from public forests could be used for the assessment of Ips typographus infestations in Belgium. Results of the study indicated that local forest officers showed sufficient expertise in identifying and reporting attacks but sometimes overestimated attack levels. Despite some limitations such as the need to avoid working per flight season or with quantitative estimations of the number attacked trees sales records can be reliably used to identify stands infested by I. typographus. Ips typographus Scolytidae attack levels timber sales pest management Résumé - Les ventes de bois infeste peuvent-elles être utilisées pour quantifier les attaques de scolytes Une étude de cas en Belgique. La quantification de l abondance et de la distribution des ravageurs forestiers est un problème répandu dans le cadre de la gestion de la santé des forêts. Le suivi des scolytes est effectué à l aide de différentes méthodes notamment par l examen