Tham khảo tài liệu '1000 từ tiếng nhật cơ bản có hệ thống 14', ngoại ngữ, nhật - pháp - hoa- others phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | List of 1000 Kanji 326 SHO L J ui hatsu hajime 9 C li o li D tó first beginning ft sai sho - first from the beginning onset hatsu basho - New Year s Sumo tournament 327 M SHOKU L J ueru uwaru 9 X 9 b to plant to set up 7 7fa ta ue - rice planting lii ift shoku butsu - plants vegetation MKffi shoku min chi - a colony 328 fô SHI L ukagau 9 fa fa 9 to ask to visit to hear fà5 ukagau - to visit to ask inquire honorific 329 FU S ukabu uku 9 fa S 9 to float to come to mind to be left over uku - to float ỳậWầ uki yo e - Ukiyoe pictures of everyday life in the Edo Period 330 s JU D ukaru uke 9 fa 9 It to receive popularity receptacle ss ju ju - give and receive gits ukeru - to be received become popular to catch on g ju ken - taking a test faJ ukemi - the passive grammar 66 List of 1000 Kanji 331 SHOU L fc 9 uketamawaru 9 It t b to hear to agree to shou chi - know say yes consent 7 B shou nin - recognition acknowledgement 332 SHITSU L o ushinau 9Lfa9 to lose slip V 1 shitsu gyou - unemployment 9 II shippai - failure mistake v 7 shitsu bou - disappointment IL shitsu rei - rude impolite excuse me 333 W HAKU It usui 9 t 1 thin light weak pale W-- usu usu - dimly slightly W 7 hakka - peppermint 334 GI utagau 9 t A 9 to doubt suspect suspicion doubt kai gi - doubt skepticism 5 utagau - to doubt you gi sha - a suspect person Wnl gi mon - a question doubt problem Wnl gi mon bun - interrogative sentence 335 rt NAI DAI fa 1 1 uchi 9 fa inside i7rtl an nai - information guidance rt ken nai - within a prefecture lW nai sho - secret confidential privacy 67 List of 1000 Kanji 336 n DA utsu 9 o strick hit to beat n shita uchi - click one s tongue smacking lips ftAA nuki uchi - a sudden assault be surprised by. AAAA A uchi ageru - to launch shoot up a rocket space shuttle or fireworks 337 M BI Ư utsukushii 9 o L C beautiful beauty 1 MM san bi - praise uMMM san bi ka - a hymn praise song MA bi jin - a beautiful woman MA bijutsu - art fine .