Tham khảo tài liệu 'japanese for busy people 7', ngoại ngữ, nhật - pháp - hoa- others phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 11. Kanji for recognition 164 NEW KANJI LESSON 15 A FORGOTTEN UMBRELLA to ir. Brown takes care of Mr. Yamamoto s umbrella. ýyyy Ỉ0Ộ XzK y 7 yy iz ft-o zb vtL . ijj y Ĩ C ic iL i CT tt o . tf Mt ỸCO t ĩ ỉL co ĨÌ2 -7 f H h ihy í Cy Ml i L fciK L ộ L ầ L i i o 7 Ợ y io ầ L 5 o ỉ tz 0 LHầ-tt bo 4 X t y 7 V n Ỉ-To Ẩiỉ u -V3 c K. L ifo ýyyy-. iJj í z tzb b cLỉi o tL I tzh WỶHo 9 li-olt At the health club. 9 1-t lỶ ỳ ỹ ử y 7 ỹ ù y 7 ỹ 7 íi J 9 C í ỉ fo ỉ Jt 9 r ito C i 4H Ỷ i t ì A í i ỉ 1 i ỉ J4tWo ỉi th itíi tu i Wo CH 7 í Ạ Ấ -W. 6B Z wt k X. o HtJ c h H cLT 00 V. tz L 7ỷ ICo Brown When I went to the health club yesterday I ran into Mr. Yamamoto. Watanabe Mr. Yamamoto The Mr. Yamamoto who came here the day before yesterday Brown Um. He said he is a member of that dub. Watanabe Oh by the way he left and forgot his umbrella. What shall I do with it Brown I ll take care of the umbrella. I ll probably meet him again. When I next go to i- health dub I ll take it with me. Watanabe Oh then please take it. Brown If I see Mr. Yamamoto I ll give it to him. If I don t I ll leave it at the receptKB desk. Receptionist Good morning. Brown Good morning. Is Mr. Taro Yamamoto coming here today Receptionist You mean the Mr. Yamamoto who s a member here He s coming today at six -the evening. Brown Is he This is his umbrella. If he s coming at six may I leave it here now Receptionist Yes of course. Brown When he comes please give it to him. Receptionist Yes certainly. .

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